Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual Well-being

Clients report the following benefits:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Pain and stress relief
  • Better sleep
  • Lighter mood
  • Hopefulness
  • Increased body awareness
  • Inner ‘aha’ moments
  • Sense of connection to self
  • Feeling whole again

A stronger Biofield

  • A vibrant and stronger energy field enhances natural healing processes
  • Balanced energy centres are able to function more efficiently

Non-invasive Treatments

  • Sessions are gentle, holistic and empowering.
  • They revitalize. They re-set. They move. They nurture.

Integration with other Health Modalities

AIEH treatments complement any other medical services the client has.  For example, combining AIEH and psychological/counselling services facilitates the emergence of biofield-based knowledge and a space to verbally and mentally process any sensations/issues that emerge.  Or vice versa: energetically support the clearing of any issues that arose in the counselling session.

Adding inner/body knowing to make sense of health challenges

As a practitioner, I believe that AIEH treatments fill a tremendous gap in our current medical system.  They add an inner, empowering perspective for the client.  The client begins to integrate previous diagnostics and medical procedures with a more heart and body felt, deeper, understanding of the health challenges they are facing.

A note on ‘healing’

Healing comes from the Old English word haelan meaning ‘whole’ and thus signifies the process of becoming more whole or assisting another in that endeavor, even during failing health or death. Egnew (2005) further clarifies wholeness as becoming whole in the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual aspects of self. (Warber et al., 2015)